Marrowfat peas are green mature peas that have been allowed to dry out naturally in the field, rather than be harvested whilst still young like the normal garden pea. They are starchy, and are used to make mushy peas, snacks, salad toppings and many other food preparations. Marrowfat peas are available in different qualities depending on customer needs with good green colour, with a percentage of paler/bleached pea content to bleached. Those with thin skins and a soft texture are ideal for making mushy peas.
Marrowfat Peas contain protein necessary for tissue building and repair, which contributes the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and bone normality. They also have high levels of dietary fibre both soluble and insoluble. Marrowfat Peas is also a good source of Iron, Phosphorus and Vitamin B1, which also contribute to repair, maintenance and growth of muscle as well as bone health.
Our Marrowfat production is solely grown on irrigated land. Our irrigation water is fed and maintained through several irrigation districts which operate several hundred kilometres of earth canals and water pipelines, as well as several reservoirs. This infrastructure is used to provide irrigation and domestic water for farming, industry, wildlife, and communities within the district's boundaries.
Its name 'marrowfat' was coined around 1730 from marrow and fat. Another source says the peas were named because people wanted plump (fat) peas of the Maro variety, a Japanese variety introduced to the UK 100 years ago; this is unlikely, as the first English usage of "marrowfat" to refer to peas predates the introduction of the Maro pea by almost two centuries.